Friday, May 15, 2009


I communicate by texting someone if I have something to say or I want to talk to them. Like if something happened and it was short enough to text it to someone. I like to talk on the phone when I have something long to say or I don’t feel like texting. Sometimes when I don’t feel like texting I make my friends do it or sometimes my little cousins because they want to.
I also like to communicate by talking in person. Usually people get the whole story and you know is someone is mad or happy or sad or frustrated or scared. You also can talk for longer and say more. And you know who you’re talking to because you can hear there voice.
Another way I communicate is by writing notes I used to do this a lot before I had a phone like in elementary school. It was fun because it was a good way to communicate between your friends. But it was bad if your teacher found the note and read it aloud to the class. That has happened to me. But the teacher didn’t read it out loud and it wasn’t a note it was a sign for my friend and she was mad. But I don’t know why.
I also communicate by yelling. For example yelling at someone who has annoyed me or someone who is annoying or did something mean. I also yell when I cheer. I yell the cheers out loud at the same time as my fellow team mates. I cheer at games to all the football players and the people in the stands. Also at competitions in front of all the fans and people sitting in the stands, the judges, the coaches, and all the other teams and my team.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Pure Joy

Pure joy is...
When i feel the sun hitting me on a hot summer day after a long cold winter. Feeling a cold glass of water going down my throat. Feeling the joy of a hot shower when I'm really cold. Feeling the shock when i jump into a freezing cold lake. Eating the food that i am craving. Biting in to a delicious taco at taco bell and hearing the crunch. Eating a fried greasy food from McDonald's. Eating a really good hamburger.When i watch a good movie and it is entertaining. When i do something really fun and are happy the whole day. Stunting with my stunt group and feeling like flying. When i am doing a back tuck and feel a weight less feeling. Petting a soft dog.
Swinging on a swing and soaring high in the air. Going on a roller coaster and feeling a feeling when i am floating. Cheering at a competition and feeling really nervous before. Pure joy is feeling something really soft. It is seeing someone you haven't seen in a while and feeling so happy. Seeing two people happy to see each other. Drinking a cold glass of lemonade on a hot hot hot hot hot summer day. Being with your family. being with your friends. Being with the ones who love you. Getting revenge on a person you hate. Picking up my very first pet which was a turtle all the way from Texas. Seeing my relatives from Texas that i haven't seen in a year or maybe more. Feeling the hotness of the very first summer. Feeling the very first snowflake on your nose on the very first winter. Making a wish on my birthday. Making a wish on my birthday and having it come true.

Friday, March 20, 2009

favorite things

some of my favorite things are on a cold day i like be outside sometimes. On a hot day i like to go swimming. I also like to hang out with friends and go shopping. in the summer i have cheer every day so that takes up most of my summer. My biggest pet peeve is scratching nails on a choc board. I also hate when forks are scratched up against a plate. My favorite fast food is taco bell. My favorite restaurants are docs and Olga's. I also love smoothies and pizza rolls they are so good.In the summer my favorite things to do are going swimming, tanning, being outside, hanging out with friends, and going on trips. I like dogs because they are playful and fun. I don't like rats because there gross and kinda creepy. I like to play softball and cheer leading. My favorite food is pizza and i love chocolate. I hate green beans and broccoli. I hate people who are anoying. I hate grandmas who drive reallly slow. I hate creepy people. And i hate when im to hot or to coldAfter school i like to get a smoothie and a pizza roll its problem because i go like every day. I also love cupcakes.I love Fridays there the BEST. my pet peeve in school is when people walk really slow and you have to get somewhere. Its so annoying. I hate rain when i straiting because it just curls and threes no point in straighting it. I love sunny days. I love going to mackinac island every year to visit my family who lives up there. I like going to florida and swimming in the ocean even tho its really cold. I would rather swim in fresh water then salt water. who wouldnd? I like ginipigs even tho there kinda smelly.

vocab words

Clint Eastwood-A actor, Shawn says he will never have dinner with Clint Eastwood, Which means his disability will never let him eat dinner with him.
Pulitzer- is the highest national honor. Shawns dad won a pulitzer award for his poem.
Gronola New Age Spirit World Gazette - A newspaper. Shawn talks about how is want to writ for the Gronala New Age Spirit World Gazette.
Fortnight- A unit of time, 14 days. Shawns dad wrote it in his poem.
Seatle Arts Scene- A place of photos and art. Shawn over herd his mom saying to her friend that she was a supporter of thr Seatle Arts Scene.

Friday, March 6, 2009

What did the ocean say to the shore?

What do you call a cow with no legs?

Why did the peanut cross the road?

What do you call a cow wearing a crown?.

Why did the seagle fly over the sea?

What gets weter and weter the more it dryes?


It waved

Ground beef

To get to the shell station

Dairy Queen

Because if it flew over the bay it would be a bagel.

A towel

Friday, February 6, 2009


Winter is a very cold season. Winter is really cold and i want it to be sunner so then it can be hott. Then i can go swimming and tan. Things are more fun to do when its hot rather then when its cold and you dont want to slep out side. My cheer season is almost over. We have our last duel competition on Monday.We have our last team dinner next friday. And then side line season starts. And we have to cheer for the football players.Theres this kid Devin who sits next to be and he wrote about me in his blog and now im writing about him in my blog. One of my favorite foods is pizza its so good. I love the pizza from little ceasars. I also love chocolate its sooo good. Inthe winter i like to go skiing and staying inside. In the summer i like to go swimming and being outside. My favorite class that i had was foods. The food that i hate the most is green beens. There so grose. I also hate seafood its also so grose. My favorite colors and pink and purple. My favorite store is hollister.